Thursday, August 30, 2012

Week 6 T3


Half way through the term and the production is in full swing.  There are sets and costumes and props in every available space around the school, so if you were wondering what the mess is… Don’t forget that the production is on the nights of  26th and 27th September!!!

Self Review

We have Paul Howison in as a Student Achievement Function Practitioner (SAF). Paul is contracted to the Ministry of Education and they go around the schools and help with the school self-review process to enhance student achievement. We have been surveying the Maori community lately to help us with our Maori student’s achievement. If you would like to know what we do at the school in relation to our Maori students please come down to school and talk with me. That way we can work together with an informed group to help raise the achievement of all of our students.


With the government dollar getting ever smaller and harder to get for schools, we want to initiate other ways of helping our children raise their achievement. I would like to see a group of parents that we can rely on to come into school on a regular basis to help with children’s achievement.  This would include: Reading, Writing and Maths, with training in these areas to enable you to help the children comprehend the strategies they need. If you are interested in this please ring or see me at school. I would like to train people this term to start next term.

Matapu School Curriculum Night:  7:30 pm Wednesday  24th October

Next term I will be holding a curriculum night. This will go into detail about our MATAPU CURRICULUM, What we do, how we do it, why we do it, how we assess and record, how we report to stake holders (MOE, BOT, Parents , Children)etc . This will be an informative night of the last four years in our Matapu curriculum development. Come along and see how your child learns, what your child learns and why we do it this way at Matapu school.
Be informed to make better decisions about your child’s education and future!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Week 5 T3

Olympics Day
Wow, what a wonderful day we had. The rain and wind stayed away for the day and we got to complete all activities. Thank you to Room 2 for organizing such a successful day. I think Mr C may need to get out into the sun a little more this summer.

We played Kaponga today at Rugby and Netball. Unfortunately we lost both games.

Our production of 'The Goodies and the Baddies' is in full swing with all children having applied for their parts. Make sure you have the night of the 26th or 27th September free to come along.

Working Bee this Sunday 9.00am Start
Please try to come along to our working Bee on Sunday to finish off some of the little jobs around our school.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


We have had a very busy week at school….

 A very big welcome to our new students—Toni, Brayden, Noah, Jayden, Nathan, Christopher and Thomas
Parent interviews went really well—thank you for coming in and having a talk with your child’s teacher.
 Our Book & Gift Fair was a great success with 11 books   donated to our School library—Thank you very much to all the parents and families who came along to have a look and made orders! 
Rugby, netball, hockey & soccer practices are underway—good luck to all of these teams for your games!

Week1 T3

Welcome back for Term 3!!!
Firstly thank you to all parents and caregivers who helped out on the sleep over night with staying, providing help or food.  It was a great night and was enjoyed by all.  A big thank you to the school councillors as well who did a fantastic job of organising the night.

This term we are focusing on the Olympics and then we are full on with our production. The production this year is 'The Goodies and the Baddies' we will hold the production in the last week of term, see the newsletter for dates.

McLeod Shield (Rugby) and Hurlstone Cup (Netball) games are this term as well. The dates for these are: 3rd August at 12.30pm vs Rahotu at Matapu, 17th August at 12.30pm vs  Kaponga at Kaponga and on the 31st August at 12.30pm vs Toko at Toko.  It would be nice to see all parents at the games to support the children at rugby and netball.

We are also entering a soccer team into the Yep & Wilson Cup and a hockey team into the Bhana Cup at Turuturu on the 1st of August.

Term 1 and 2 Round Up

It has been an interesting and exciting start to the year both in and out of school. The government has been making changes to the education system, then, changing them back again. So we are still in the dark as to what our education system will look like by the end of the year.  However, at school we don’t worry about those high and mighty things, we just concentrate on getting the best for our children.  To do this we have been focusing on some teacher professional development in the areas of numeracy and literacy .  Our whole school goal has been ‘How do we effectively ensure that numeracy and literacy skills are being applied by students on our Inquiry Learning topic studies.’ This entails the teachers reflecting on their teaching and learning and setting individual goals for their classrooms. We believe this will enhance the student’s abilities in literacy and numeracy across the curriculum by ensuring that they are making the links between what we learn and how we use it.

The teachers also participated in the Swim New Zealand learn to swim course. All teachers spent time with the instructors both in and out of the water over term one. So now we have a strong learn to swim programme  throughout the school.

The teachers have also changed the way we do our appraisals. This is now more focused on a Teacher Reflective Practice that covers the Teacher Dimensions set by the profession and also looks at our teaching and learning of Maths, Reading and Writing and how we can improve our practice.

The Virtual Learning Network Primary is really humming along now with approx. 50 schools and 300 children   involved in the languages and curriculum online studies.  As you know Matapu school is the lead school for this nationwide cluster and we have around twenty children involved in these online learning opportunities.  Thank you to Rachel who is the e-principal coordinating all of this.  For more info on the VLN Primary go to:            

Our targets this year were to raise the achievement of our year three children in reading.  Mid-year testing shows we are making steady progress with this goal.  Our focus from now until the end of year is to hone in on the group that are below the required standard to bring their levels up.  This will be through moderating and sharing knowledge with in the class and school, focus time with teacher aides, and to look at other outside agencies for professional development and assistance in this area.  I am confident by the end of the year we will have made the progress required.

This year we have developed the Matapu Achievement Progression Books (MAP Books).  These MAP books are used by the teachers and children from years 1-8 in maths, reading, writing and the key Competencies. They are in stages and reflect what the student needs to know to achieve that standard. They have been taken from the National Standards, Literacy Progressions and the Numeracy kit. Students use the book to reflect on their own academic learning goals and where to next. This gives the student responsibility for their own learning and enables them to see what they have to achieve to be successful at their level. The teachers are at present making        adjustments and changes to the books so we have them exactly right for next year. By the end of the year we will have the books finalised and ready for printing and full use in 2013.

The school curriculum that was developed in 2008-2010 is really proving to be successful. The children are     learning how to learn and becoming independent learners through our integrated curriculum using inquiry learning process. Our topic studies this year so far have been Water Safety in the first term and Native flora and fauna in term 2.  These have seen many visitors to the school to teach the children about their area of expertise. We have had the federated farmers in to talk to the children about water safety on the farm, people from Puke Ariki museum and Govett-Brewster art gallery people to talk and share their knowledge about flora and fauna, Ray Stoddart came to do his art with the children that you can see being proudly displayed around the school, swim safe talked with the children and held swim times  for water safety. It has been a very exciting time for the children with lots of  activities and trips to help them gain skills and knowledge.

Thank you to the SPA and BOT for all their efforts in making Matapu School a fun and exciting place to be and learn.  The parents and community for getting in behind the school and showing our kids we all value education.
To all staff, keep up the good work and never give up. Thank you all for making my job so easy with your         dedication to excellence and strong focus on helping our students achieve their full potential.  Finally to the      students, well done guys!! Let’s make the next two terms even better that the last. Keep up the hard work and life will be easy.


The councillors have been busy planning the school camp over this week.  Attached is a brief     overview of the evening and a gear list that the children will need.  It should be a great night and lots of fun for the children, parents and teachers!!
Reports are out next week so check your child’s bag next Friday. Interviews will be held on the 25th July 2012, which is week two term 3.  There have been a few dates floating around about the interview date, BUT THIS ONE IS FINAL!!!!.  There will be interview times etc coming out in week one next term for you to fill in and send back to school.
Working Bee
We have a couple of working bees organised to fix our fences and fort/playground.  Please get down to school on Sunday 1st July and Wednesday 4th July at 9.00am to help out.  Bring a hammer, shovel, spade, saw etc.  If these days don’t suit you and you want to help out in some way please contact me at school and we can arrange something.
Work to be done:
· Replace all floor boards on fort.
· Erect wooden fence at hall.
· Repair metal fence on Hastings Road
· Erect new equipment for playground.
· Any other little things that we may see to fix

Week 7 T2

e-Learning at Matapu School

Matapu School is the lead school in the Virtual Learning Network Primary (VLN Primary).  The VLN Primary initiative aims to extend learning opportunities for our students by    enabling online collaborations between schools. Participation in the VLN Primary provides a growing number of opportunities for students to access online learning that may not be available to them in their own schools.  Teachers are supported to develop in their       confidence and capability in eLearning.  Connections and collaborations are brokered through a developing Online Community of Learning.  Children from our school are       continuing on to college knowing that if a subject isn’t offered at their school, they are able to access that subject through the VLN.

There is a very good article in the latest School News magazine that is worth a read:

For more information on the VLN Primary go to:

Week 6 T2

Mr Stoddart has been working in all the rooms this week helping the children to produce art related to our Flora and Fauna topic. There are some really great pieces being done by the children that will make great wall displays. Mr Stoddart is looking at doing kowhaiwhai patterns next week which should look wonderful.

Coming up we have the soccer tournament at Kaponga on the 14th June for year 5-8        children. Please keep that date available to come and watch and provide transport.

Monday is Elizabeth’s birthday so we have a long weekend.

Sleep Over!!!
On Wednesday the 27th June the councillors are organising a pyjama day and sleep over at school for all children.  I will be sending home more details and permission slips next week.  Keep this date open so you can come and stay at school for the night with ALL the children!!!

Have a great long weekend,


Wow half way through term two already!
We held our bi-annual sponsors night last Wednesday to thank our sponsors. We also presented a new idea for sponsorship where the sponsor pays for signage along the Skeet Road fence. This would be in the form of a 1200 x 800 sign and cost $250 a year for the space. All proceeds from this sponsorship go towards the upkeep of our Information and Communication      Technology with the purchase of netbooks, iPods, projectors, robots etc.
This week we farewell Kris Barron, our student teacher in Room 2.  Kris has been with us for the last four weeks and we wish her well for the future.
Seniors student’s vaccinations next week. Thanks to every one for signing and handing in all of the permission forms.
Mr Stoddart is back for two weeks doing art with the children.
Lots of talk about the new initiatives that the Minister of Education is bringing out.  As we get information in we will relay it to you. Some interesting times ahead.

Week4 T2

The teachers are in full swing with our mid-year testing and report writing for the end of term. 
Reports will be out on the last day of term (29th June) and parent interviews will be held on 24th  July, week two of term three.  Reports will tell you where your child is in relation to the national standards and tell you what your child’s goals are, where to next and what you can do to help at home.

We have had the opportunity to have Nathan Hills from Puke Ariki and Morgana Watson from Govett-Brewster Art Gallery here this week.  With Morgana the students had an awesome time learning about Papa Tū ā Nuku = Flora and Fauna.  The juniors were shown a reading in Te Reo to inspire a performance that is based on the ‘bugs & grubs’ of the forest.  Using rakau (small tubes) they made rhythms and learnt new skills to accompany their performance.  The seniors were introduced to other Māori instruments as well.

With Nathan the juniors looked at New Zealand unique flora and fauna (geographic isolation) and had a look at some examples of the variety of life on land and sea.  They learnt about the impact we have on animals and plant life and how we can help.  They identified plants and hopefully as a school we can help feed the Tui and Kereru.  The Seniors looked at managing resources and played a game ‘tragedy of the commons’ Fishing village scenario and looked at a Marine Reserves video.

A great time was had by everyone.

Week 3 T2

Maori Consultation

This term I am consulting with our Maori community and have developed a questionnaire for you to fill out. Please give this some thought and have them back to me by the 1st of June. If you would like to see me about any matter relating to this please call in at school.


The children have been to Lake Rotokare this week as part of our topic study for flora and fauna. Next week we have Nathan from Puke Ariki and Morgana Watson from Govett-Brewster Art Gallery and they will be bringing a book as a reference for basic Kupu Māori (Māori words) to do with the Kiwi and insects, this will then be the
inspiration for activities with poi, rakau and purerehua (type of instrument) as well as other activities. The Juniors will be doing this on Tuesday 15th and the seniors on 17th May in the hall.

Don’t forget BOT meeting next Wednesday night 7.00pm—all welcome.

week 2 T2

Another wonderful week has passed and we are on track with our goals and targets. We had our School Parent Association AGM last night and have made some changes to the way that we do things. All this will be revealed in the newsletter next week.

Please try to get your School donations and transport assistance accounts up to date. These are very important in the running of the school. Without these payments we cannot do those little extra things we do with the children.

Next week we have the Rotokare trips and a trip to Tabloid sports for the year four children.  These should be great educational trips for the children. Lets hope that the weather holds!!!

Remember BOT meeting on the 16th May at 7.00pm and the Sponsors night on the 23rd May from 5.30pm-7.30pm

What's Happening