I hope that everyone has handed in their times for parent / teacher interviews for next Tuesday.
Please note that school will be finishing at 12.30 on Tuesday for the interviews.
Attached to the newsletter is an Athletics sheet that shows you the times etc for the school athletics day on Wednesday 29 Feb. It also has a sausage sizzle form for you to fill out if you want sausages for lunch with your children. We do this to get an indication how what we need to purchase for the day.
There is an opening for another elected BOT member so if you are keen please put your name forward for election. Being on the BOT is not about having to do lots of jobs or extra work around the school. It is setting policy for the school and ensuring that the way we do things is in line with these policies. It also gives you a better insight into how the school is run and what makes it tick. So take up the challenge and be a part of our children's futures.
We have had a great start to the year and all is humming along nicely. The children are in full swing with their water safety topic so question them about water safety when they get home!!
Don’t forget that reading, writing and maths forms the backbone of everything that we do. So practice these with the children at home,. Make it fun and let your children see you enjoying reading, writing and doing maths.
Keep Safe
Rick :)