Thursday, September 27, 2012
Week 11 T3
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Week 10 T3
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Week 9 T3
Next term we are having a Curriculum meeting on the 24th October at 7.30pm. Below are the curriculum statements that we have in our Matapu Curriculum document. These are the areas we will cover and I will be talking about how we do this at Matapu School. This is very timely as we are having an ERO visit in the week of 5th November.
To develop in our children the ability to communicate effectively with confidence and to encourage them to use language in all its forms.
We believe mathematics is an integral part of the curriculum. In our rapidly changing technological world there is an increasing demand on mathematical skills and understanding. We will teach mathematics in relevant and realistic contexts offering children a broader, richer and more challenging maths programme as they master basic skills.
Integrated Curriculum
We believe the integrated approach to the curriculum accelerates and motivates children to learn. We believe that we need to teach the children how to learn through an inquiry process. We believe this approach creates a culture of co-operation and enjoyment.
Literacy and Numeracy will underpin the integrated curriculum
We believe that assessment should have purpose and meaning and be used to improve teaching and learning, and the quality of learning programmes. We believe that students should know where they are and their next steps in learning.
Please remember that the children will need shoes for the Cross Country on Monday.
Full details of School Production in next weeks Flyer.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Week 8 T3
For those that have been following the Ultra Fast Broadband roll out and were under the impression that we are now all connected and using this fast internet think again!!
To help clear this up, I have included this article from Rachel.
Just because you have fibre at your gate doesn't mean you can hook in and use it! (No surprises there for some)
With much hype and media surrounding the rollout of RBI (Rural Broadband Initiative) it has been a frustrating reality check for schools to find that they are unable to find a RSP (Retail Service Provider) to hook them up (or one they can afford). Out of the 400 schools signed off as 'connected' only a couple have been able to hook up so far! There has been quite a disconnect between the expectations of schools and the wider community with the reality of rolling out a huge and complex project such as this one. So large is this project it is taking - two government departments, and various sub-projects in various stages - RBI, RBI Phase 2, UFB, RSBI, & the Chathams (still in its proposal form). No wonder it is so bewildering to make sense of for many - I have been following this closely and I struggle. Throw into the mix SNUPS and the proposed Network for Learning and you have got a recipe for a mental melt down.
What makes this so challenging for schools is the number of variables that are in play - has the school been snupped, if not when will this happen? Although fibre may be dropped to the school, it may not be enabled at the exchange. There are more technical variables Handover Points, HSNS, GPON (all of which mean little to me) that will be different for different schools around the country. So with all of these variables it seems to be every school for themselves to make the best of it...
Recently though some Retail Service Providers have begun to make offers to schools - in particular Call Plus, SNAP & Orcon. Schools should also factor into their decision-making joining the Network for Learning (N4L). Though scheduled to be available to schools mid-2013, it will likely have a 'soft start' with a few schools ironing out the wrinkles for the rest to follow, so consider being able to access this early 2014. So do you need to go into mental meltdown now - or just wait for the Network for Learning? (& have your mental meltdown then ;-) My advice to schools I work with would be unless you are really struggling with your current connection (unfortunately quite a few are) then taihoa and see what the N4L will bring for you.
So as you can see there are many things to think about and many ducks to line up before we are able to get Ultra Fast Broadband. However when it does come, Matapu School has been working hard in the last few years to be ready to fully utilise this service.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Week 6 T3
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Week 5 T3
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Week1 T3
Term 1 and 2 Round Up
Week 7 T2
Week 6 T2
Week4 T2
Week 3 T2
week 2 T2
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Week 1 Term 2
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Week 10
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Week 9
WOW only one more week of term left before the Easter holidays. Looking back over the term we have had our school and interschool swimming and athletics, trips to Opunake to do our beach safety, all staff have completed the first aide course and Professional development in linking Numeracy and Literacy to our integrated curriculum, the children have had several visits from experts in water safety and a visit from the author Diana Neild, as well as completing all of their academic school work. So a very busy but productive term. Next term we have Kissick/Eraio, visits to Lake Rotokare, visits from experts in flora and fauna, Puke Ariki coming to school to talk to the children, ANZAC celebrations, Sponsors night, and reports coming out at the end of term. Our topic focus for next term is Native Flora and Fauna.
Dates to remember:
ANZAC Day 25 April
BOT meetings held in the school library next term are on:
16th May at 7:00pm and 19th June at 7:00pm.
Sponsors Night is 23rd May
Queens Birthday 4th June
Matapu & Districts 125 Jubilee 7-9th February 2014
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Week 7
This week and next we have Mr Stoddart in the classrooms teaching the children art skills. Mr Stoddart covers the teachers while they have their CRT (Classroom Release Time) which allow them to catch up on assessment and other paper work duties.
The children had their interschool swimming sports yesterday and did very well. The parents that attended came back buzzing about the children’s efforts and behaviour. Well done guys.
We are due for the Ultras Fast Broadband upgrade at school. You may have seen in the papers recently about what schools can do when they get this Fibre into their schools. Well it’s not the great fix that they are reporting. It is great that we have the fibre at school, however there are no providers the hook into so we can’t use it anyway. We may not have any providers for quite some time as they are all still assessing what they are going to provide and how. It is really frustrating for schools and communities when they are lead to believe that they are getting a service and that service is not delivered. So get hold of your local MPs and voice your concerns about this!!
Stay safe
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Week 6
Athletics at Kaponga on Wednesday was a great success again. Thanks to the Kaponga Athletics people for putting on the day. WOOOHOOOO Matapu School won the interschool 100m relay. Well done Matapu!!!!!!
We have a brand new notice board for school dates etc erected on the corner of Hastings and Skeet Roads. This is to communicate better with our wider community about dates etc for school and community events. Have already had some good feedback from the wider community, so that’s good!
Please remember that Monday is Taranaki holiday and there is no school!!
We will also be having our school swimming sports next Wednesday. The children will have their
individual races and will be trying to break the school records again this year. Parents please bring along your togs as there are parent, teacher and children’s relays. The children get a big kick out this so please ensure your swimming attire is in your bag next Wednesday.The preparations for the Matapu and Districts 125 Year Jubilee is starting to come together. We had a meeting last week and will have another on Monday 26th March. Please come down and help with the organization of this special event. Please go to the blog site and become a follower and follow by email. This will give us an indication of interest in the event and keep you updated as things happen.
The wild weather played havoc with our power earlier this week. We had no power for three days because of trees down across power lines on Hastings Road. So we had school the old way with no computers, interactive whiteboards etc
I gave one 6 year old a piece of chalk to take to her teacher, she said "Whats that?" I said 'Chalk" she said "Whats that?", we have come a long way since I went to school!
The school buildings suffered no damage but our fence was demolished at the Skeet Road end by a fallen tree and the fence at the hall was blown over. However we were a lot luckier than some who lost roofs and parts of their house! Beautiful weather at the moment so all good now.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Week 4
I hope that everyone has handed in their times for parent / teacher interviews for next Tuesday.
Please note that school will be finishing at 12.30 on Tuesday for the interviews.
Attached to the newsletter is an Athletics sheet that shows you the times etc for the school athletics day on Wednesday 29 Feb. It also has a sausage sizzle form for you to fill out if you want sausages for lunch with your children. We do this to get an indication how what we need to purchase for the day.
There is an opening for another elected BOT member so if you are keen please put your name forward for election. Being on the BOT is not about having to do lots of jobs or extra work around the school. It is setting policy for the school and ensuring that the way we do things is in line with these policies. It also gives you a better insight into how the school is run and what makes it tick. So take up the challenge and be a part of our children's futures.
We have had a great start to the year and all is humming along nicely. The children are in full swing with their water safety topic so question them about water safety when they get home!!
Don’t forget that reading, writing and maths forms the backbone of everything that we do. So practice these with the children at home,. Make it fun and let your children see you enjoying reading, writing and doing maths.
Keep Safe
Rick :)